Week 13 Reading: The Secrets of the Goddess, Part D

For my last reading of the semester, I decided to continue on with the 7 Secrets of the Goddess from Epified. This one was about the goddess Gauri. I had never heard of the Goddess before, so I was excited to hear more about here. I have really loved these videos, as they help me learn a lot without being too confusing. 

  • Kali is nature, the mother, where Gauri is the daughter, which is culture. In this video, it talked about how everyone can thrive in culture, but not everyone can thrive in nature. 
  • Nature came first, then the mind, then culture. The human brain only evolved about 1 million years ago, and culture was created 50,000 years ago. 
  • In some stories, the man is used as the mind, and the women are used to explain the world around us. 
  • This is another example of female prejudice as the mind cannot exist without matter. 
  • Vishnu is an awakened mind, Naraya is a sleeping mind, and Brahma is a partially awakened mind. 
  • These are our negative thoughts (asuras) which are often confused with demons. 
  • Yoga-nidra: this is reality, but Yoga-maya is perceived reality. 
  • The perceived reality is the energy from where everything is created. 
  • Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are often considered to be the creator and the destroyer. They are often out to destroy Kali, who is the mother. 
  • Shiva is embedded so deep within our consciousness that not even we are aware of it. He understands the insecurities and therefore is the preserver of culture. 
  • Indian readings of the Puranas are often very subjective; each reading is valid. Basically, this is all saying that culture is dependent on the human's interpretation. 

Source. 7 Secretes of the Goddess from Youtube.


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