Week 12 Reading: 7 Secrets of the Goddess, Part B

 This is the second part of the videos for Gaia's Secret. Here are a few more facts that I found interesting. 

  • Rural cultures valued fertility in women, but urban cultures valued obedience. 
  • This is shown through the yin and yang, valued in Chinese culture. 
  • A patriarchal society links women with nature and men with culture. This led the men to believe that since culture domesticates nature, men have to domesticate women. 
  • This is explicitly shown in the Greek myths of Zeus, where he tries to father children across the world. 
  • In Japanese culture, this is the explanation as to how the night and day were created. 
  • Women were deemed to be the source of all problems on Earth, as is evident in the stories of Adam and Eve, where Lillith became the mother of monsters, as well as with Pandora's box, where she released chaos on Earth. 
  • In Indian epics, they assigned honor to women, and this can be seen throughout all of the stories that we have read this semester.
  • The world was seen in the hands of women, such as is shown through the fates of Greek mythology. 
  • Although there were other female prophets in the Bible, they are often overshadowed by the men. This can often be shown by the way that none of the women became disciples of Jesus, even though they were often the closest to him. 
  • Buddha first believed that women did not struggle as much as men, so he did not allow women to follow his practices for a while.

Pandora's Box from Wikipedia

Source. 7 Secrets of the Goddess from Youtube


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