Week 13 Reading: The Secrets of the Goddess, Part C

For this week, I continued on the Secrets of the Goddess. I was excited to read about Kali for this week because my story is actually about her. Some of this information was especially cool to learn about, as it is reflected in my project. Here are just some fun facts from the story that I thought were fun to listen to. 

  • In the pictures, Kali is usually seen standing on the men. 
  • Kali has many forms, and in some of them, Kali has a snake for a bellybutton, which I thought was really weird. 
  • Shiva shows the domestication of Kali.
  • Nature is often just an object in the stories, and it can be manipulated, just like any other story. 
  • The story between Kali and Shiva shows that everyone has a soul the needs to be protected. 
  • Kali is sometimes shy in the stories, but in others, she is very bold. This reminds us that nature is sovereign and also how the human condition views sex and violence.
  • There are some images where Kali is stepping on Shiva with different feet, and this reflects cultural norms. 
  • "Vira" is a term that means hero, and it sometimes is used in stories with her where someone came in contact with her. 
  • Krisha's stories say that whenever he found Kali, he was more amused by her, rather than intimidated. 
  • Another version of Kali is called Radha. He is another version of Krishna as well. 

Source. Seven Secrets of the Goddess from Youtube


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