Week 8: Progress

 1. I am happy with the progress that I have made so far, and feel like I am pretty on top of the class. I have been trying to get ahead, but it has been a bit difficult, trying to balance all of my other courses as well. So far, I am most proud of the project, as I feel like I get to discover more about a topic that I am interested in while also improving my writing. I think that I've done a pretty good job with the story project, and hope that other people have enjoyed reading my story. I tried getting a weekly routine, but I mostly just complete all of the assignments at the beginning of the week. It's been working out for me so far, and I have been able to complete everything on time while also doing a few extra credit assignments.

2. Looking forward, I don't really have anything that I would like to change. I might try to work ahead this week since it is a review week and get into a routine. Otherwise, I think everything's worked out for me so far!

Motivational Lights


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