Week 8 Comments and Feedback

1.  I think the comments that I have been getting from classmates are very helpful. Most students have commented on things that I did well in my writing and have also provided constructive criticism. I appreciate hearing things that I did well, as it helps me gain confidence in my writing. I think the most helpful comments have been the ones that directly point out something in my writing that I could improve upon. Those sort of comments help me focus in on a particular point when editing. 

2. I think I have been doing a pretty good job of providing helpful comments on others' blog posts, but I could definitely be more specific when commenting. I didn't really think about how helpful those sorts of comments were until I read some that were left on my own posts. Whenever I comment, I try to talk about my favorite things in the piece, but also provide at least one critique that could help improve the story, even if it is minor. I think that's worked for me so far, and I hope I have been able to be helpful. 

3. I think I could have probably added more information on my introduction post, but overall I think it does a pretty good job of expressing who I am. I have loved reading everyone's introduction posts, and though I don't actually know what anyone looks like or anything like that, I feel like I have a pretty good sense of everyone's character. I wish I could be able to get to know some of my classmates in person, but due to the nature of this course, the introduction blog posts do a fantastic job of helping us all get to know one another. 

4. I like the layout of my comment wall and project site, but this past week, I tried to make the site links more visible and clear on the home page. I'm not sure my changes actually made a difference, but either way, I hope the different links are still easy for everyone to access. In the future, I would like to leave more specific comments, as I really want to be able to help everyone with their writing. I don't consider myself an expert, but I always have been very passionate about writing, so I hope my comments are helpful. 

5. I decided to choose the cat picture below because I think it expresses a message that everyone could benefit from. I have always struggled with allowing myself to make mistakes because I am always worried about what others will think of me. I have been trying to break that mindset, and I think that remembering I am in a safe place to make mistakes and that people don't actually care about my mistakes, has been helping me. I am probably not the only one that feels that way, so I wanted to put this on here as a reminder for me and everyone else in this course, that we are all still learning. In my opinion, mistakes can often be more beneficial than instant successes! Not to mention, the cat in the photo is absolutely adorable. 

Cute Feedback Cat


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