Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata, Part B

I am contininuing on with my bullet-point format, as it is very helpful in organizing my thoughts. These are the notes for Part B. 

  • I really like the magic that is in this part. 
  • This is unrelated to the actual story, but I like the music that they put in the video. It really helped add to the overall mystery and theme of the story. 
  • I thought it was interesting how Kunti blindfolded her son because she couldn't see. 
  • The gods are very present in this section, and I feel like they come into the story with the humans a lot more than the gods in other stories. 
  • It was so sad whenever Kunti had to get rid of her son, as a mother's love is so very special. 
  • I like how Surya directly gave Kunti the son. 
  • Pandu's curse was very strange to me and I'm not sure if I really liked that part of the story, but I liked that she told him she was able to call upon the Gods for children. I did feel like she took advantage of this, but it was interesting that this was like Percy Jackson, where all of the children are from the gods. 
  • I thought it was kind of gross how Gandhari just gave birth to a lump of flesh, and they just turned into 100 sons, but at least they became happy. 
  • I thought the storyline with Bheem was very interesting, and I felt bad that they just pushed him into the river. After that, they showed the serpent kingdom. I think a different kingdom like this would be interesting to incorporate into future stories. 
  • I really enjoyed the character Drona. I feel like all the stories need a character that is sort of like the moral compass. 


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