Topic Research: Kali
The topic that I decided to do research over was about Kali. I couldn't really find a lot of specific legends or stories, but I thought as a character, she was very interesting. There were a few legends that I found that I could use, but they could also build off one another in a way. The stories were all pretty short, but since she has a lot of different forms, I could definitely use all those legends.
The first one that I looked into was the story of Parvati. I looked into the Wikipedia page and read a bit about Shiva and Parvati which I thought could be fun to do something with. Parvati is portrayed as a lot more graceful and calm than Kali in this story. I also read a little bit into Kali and Shiva's relationship, so I could use both manifestations of her in a retelling.
Next, I read about Durga. There weren't very many stories about her, but again, I thought it would be interesting to combine some of the different forms of Kali in a story, and Durga was intriguing, especially as a demon slayer. I read a little bit about Durga here, but then I also read the story about slaying the demon Raktabija and thought that could be something fun to work with. I liked she was more of a mother goddess, and she was more closely aligned with peace and prosperity.
Last, there was some more information about some of the other stories here, and it also talked about the birth of Kali. These two both involve Parvati and Durga, so again, I could use some of the aspects from the other stories in one as well. I plan on watching some more videos on these topics as well to help establish what I want to write about, and to help me understand Kali better as a figure.
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