Rylie's Topic Brainstorm

The first topic that I would like to do more research over is Kamadeva. The link that is attached is one that was recommended through the readings and resources page. I think it would be more interesting to look into this because in most mythologies, the god of love is usually represented by a woman. I think a good twist to put on this would be to make it more modern, or maybe even do a genderbend, something like that. I would also like to look more into the other Gods that are listed on his page as family members, and see if I could intertwine something with them. I really like retelling stories in different time periods, so there is a possibility of doing something like that here. 

The second topic that I would consider writing a story about that is a crossover between Greek and Hindu mythology with some of the gods and goddesses. I got some inspiration for this from a youtube video, and kind of like the idea above, I think it would be interesting to do a modern-take on the subjective, or maybe from a historical standpoint. I'm really character focused when it comes to writing, so I think working on evolving and developing the personalities of the various gods and goddesses could be interesting. I found a source here that compares some of the different ones from mythology. 

The next topic that I would like to explore further is about Krishna and Rukmini. I found this site which links to a reading about this topic. I don't really have any previous knowledge about this, but I know that Krishna is a divinity and Rukmini was a princess. I would like to read more about how they got together, and maybe take their story a different way. I think a gender-bend on this could be interesting as well. I think the dynamic between one of them being a human and the other a divinity is intriguing and would be something fun to write about. 

The last topic is very similar to my first idea, but that is taking a focus on the goddess Kali. I found a little bit of information here and I also watched a few videos from the first week about her. I don't know much about her, but I have seen Kali in a few shows and movies. I think it would be very fun to read and research more about her since she is so powerful and is both the goddess of creation and destruction. I would probably take a similar approach to this as I have written in my thoughts for Kamadeva. 


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