Time Strategies
Time Management from Pixabay
The first article that I read was titled Increase your creative output with 14 time management tips just for creatives. This article was very helpful, and it provided lots of tips for how to act with purpose. I decided to read this one because I consider myself pretty creative. Sometimes I get tired of doing schoolwork, as I feel like it depletes my creative ideas, so I was curious to see what tips this article would provide. One of my favorite tips that it offered was to do more with your energy and focus on that, rather than time. If you have a lot of working energy, then do a lot in that time period, rather than trying to throw all your work into one specific hour. Another tip that I thought was helpful, was it said to do the hardest things first and then save the best for last. I always try to avoid the things that I think will be the most difficult, so this is a good tip because it can help get the worst things out of the way, and then it will just be smooth sailing from there.
The second article that I read was called How to Beat Procrastination. I decided to read this one because procrastination is definitely something that I struggle with. I always think of something I would rather be doing than work, and just keep telling myself that I'll do it later. I thought it was very interesting that the article said our brains are programmed to procrastinate, which is something I hadn't ever thought of before, but it makes sense. My favorite tips from this article were visualizing how great it will feel to get the job done, and also tying completion to a treat. This definitely provides an incentive to get tasks done, rather than procrastinating until it's too late. I don't have a lot of good tips for time management skills, but one of my favorite things to do is make a list of all the things I need to get done. It's very satisfying to see all the tasks I have crossed off and helps me feel more productive and manage all my objectives so that I don't miss any.
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