My Review of the Assignments

I have never had a class that is set up like this, nor one fully online in this way, so I was very intrigued to see how the set-up would proceed. I also have never run a blog before, but I've always wanted to try, so I'm very excited about utilizing blog posts as a way to submit assignments. It will definitely give me a chance to get familiar with running blogs if I decide to create one for my personal life in the future. 

Additionally, I am very excited to learn about this class material. Mythology, epics, and stories from the past have always fascinated me, but I have never really learned about Indian history in the past. I feel like I am going to learn so much from all of the stories, and I'm looking forward to seeing all of the different tales we will review in this class. 

The assignments are actually also something I'm very excited about. I absolutely love reading and writing stories, so I am looking forward to getting to write our own as part of our grade. This is so different from other classes I have taken since I haven't taken any classes at OU that really allow me to practice my fictional writing skills. Here, we mostly just write professional papers, sometimes narratives, but none of it is really like this. I am looking forward to meeting other students in this class as well, to see what they think of the set-up and what their goals at OU are. I will most likely do some extra commenting and readings in the future if I should elect to do any extra credit assignments since I am very excited about the subject material. The growth mindset introduction was also extremely interesting to me, so I might look into that further in the upcoming weeks. I am can't wait to learn more about all these subjects!

Mahabharata and Horses


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